Students enrolled on MIN040X350Y - Ministerial Theology Dissertation and
MIN020X345Y - Ministerial Theology Special Essay
Child courses linked to this meta
Philosophy Dissertation - HSA040X393Y
Dissertation and Special Essay - HSA020X397Y
TRS Dissertation - HSA040X394Y
Dissertation and Special Essay - HSA020X398Y
Child modules linked to this site
Philosophy Text Tutorial Study - HSA020N274SMeta Child course HIS060L050Y - MA Dissertation & HIS120L055Y - MRes Dissertation
Course meta link (Religion and Human Rights - HSA020X343S)
Course meta link (Human Rights: Religious Perspectives and Challenges - TRS020L418S)
Students enrolled onto the following modules also have access to this module;
Beginners Latin - HIS020L441Y
Beginners Latin - HIS020L441H
Child sites linked to this module:
The Historical Jesus - HSA020N214A
Indian Philosophy and Religion - HSA020N249S
The Book of Revelation: the End of the World - HSA020N266S
Classics of Christian Literature - HSA020N298S
Title - Dissertation: History
Metalink - HSA040X392Y
Title - Dissertation: History (for 2nd years)
Metalink - HSA020N219A