Course image 2020.21_Biometrics: Physiology, Statistics and Maths - BSS020C129A
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
Course image 2020.21_Advances in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology - BSS020X348S
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
Course image 2020.21_Biomedical Science: Practical Methods - BSS020C143S
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
Course image 2020.21_Biomedical Sciences: Clinical Methods - BSS020X361A
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
Course image 2020.21_Comparative Zoology - BSS020N221A
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
.The module is designed to provide further insight into the diversity of invertebrates and vertebrates, their evolutionary history, physiology and behaviour. Building on the module Diversity of Life, this course focuses on phylogeny, key features (morphological, structural and physiological), the diversity and adaptive radiation of selected groups, and the processes that produce them. The course will consider the history and development of these ideas in the field of comparative biology. Implications for broader understanding of the tempo and mode of evolution will be considered. In this module the focus is the main vertebrate classes, thus providing a more complete and well-rounded understanding of Comparative Zoology.
Major transitions in Invertebrate and vertebrate biology
Biological Design
Structure, function ecology and evolution
Major transitions in Invertebrate and vertebrate biology
Biological Design
Structure, function ecology and evolution
Course image 2020.21_Conservation Ecology - BSS020X353Y
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
.This module combines two aspects of conservation to give students an unusual and deep insight into the management of biodiversity. Firstly they collect and map habitat data from a designated local field site: currently we envisage using Wimbledon common. This is followed by an academic component based on lectures and assessed by an unseen examination.
Course image 2020.21_Conservation People and Wildlife: South African Field Course
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
Course image 2020.21_Conservation People and Wildlife: South African Field Course Prospectus
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
Course image 2020.21_Human Epidemiology and Pathophysiology - BSS020X359A
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
Course image 2020.21_Professional Practice in Biomedical Science - BSS020C142A
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
Course image 2020.21_Work Experience - BSS020C116Y
Biosciences 2020-2021
Academic Year: Academic Year 2020-2021
Enrolments will be managed by Laurent Lacroix