Course image 2022.23 Personal Development 1, 2 & 3 - ICP010P004Y, ICP010P008Y & ICP010P012Y
Department of Psychology - Parent Meta Courses 2022-2023
Academic Year: Academic Year 2022-2023
Personal Development 1 - ICP010P004Y
Personal Development 2 - ICP010P008Y
Personal Development 3 - ICP010P012Y
Personal Development 2 - ICP010P008Y
Personal Development 3 - ICP010P012Y
Course image 2022.23 Experiential process 1 and experiential process 2 MUT010L013Y and MUT010L014Y
Department of Psychology - Parent Meta Courses 2022-2023
Academic Year: Academic Year 2022-2023
Course image 2022.23 Person-Centred and Experiential Theory and Practice - DCP020L021Y
Department of Psychology - Parent Meta Courses 2022-2023
Academic Year: Academic Year 2022-2023